Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The only reason I made this god forsaken blog is because I want to post comments on my friends' blog. But if I have to have a profile, I might as well write, not that anyone will read this.

Everyday I wake up at 5am, get dressed instantly, take out my retainers (I would die if I had crooked teeth again) make a breakfast I have to eat in five minutes, get in my dads truck, and we drive to work. There it changes, but no matter what, I am tired and I have to do physical work. We either dig or pave driveways and parking lots, but due to the fucking economy, we haven't had any work. I come home no sooner than 3pm, and continue my night. Though lately I have been able to see friends more often, and further futile relationships, it's the same!

I mean fucking a, I pretty much have the same breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I wear the same clothes to work and casually. Casually I will wear plain black shirts, and jeans. I don't need anymore, I like the color black, and it's cheap. But fuck, every aspect of my day is the same. During school it's just as bad, but at least there are more people to talk to.

Otherwise, all year round, every day is pretty much the same to me, so I lose track of time and weeks. I remember everything I've done, but I no longer have a perception of a timeline. Everyday is the same, and the only upcoming change is college. I am completey full of shit, annoyance, and boredom.

(I love bitching) so fuck you

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