Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fuckin' parties man

Basically work is like any other day. Then I had a guitar lesson.

We got to talk about girls my age and one night stands.

I love my guitar teacher.

Then I drove to the fucking mall to meet up with some people. There were random fucking people there too that I really did not want to see. Just annoying preppy fucks who stroll around judging everyone they see. But they like me? they waved. .. . ..? so im assuming.

I ate a pretzel. That was a dinner.

It was a good pretzel.

Now my friend is offering me acid? I am kinda tempted, but know i shouldn't. But dude...Im tired of reading about fucked up things, or seeing them in movies. I want to see them with my own eyes... but shit man, acid is pretty heavy. Whatever shall I do? No one reads this,

SO im talking to myself. Kinda depressing. but fuck it.

1 comment:

  1. talking to yourself can be fun.
    a lot of people sort out their problems by doing that.
    I don't talk to myself, per se, but I picture myself doing things and then go over the various outcomes.
    Or sometimes I just talk to myself..


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